Choosing a major

  1. What do you enjoy learning?
  2. 哪些学术活动能让你的工作表现最好?
  3. How do you most like to spend your free time?
  4. What activities seem most rewarding to you?

根据你对这些问题的回答来选择专业,可能会让你在大学和职业生涯中获得成功和个人满足感, in the long run, your career has no direct relation to your major.

  1. 使用SPU的专业列表,划掉那些你知道你永远不会选择的专业.
  2. 在剩下的选项中,你可能会考虑或不清楚它们是什么,请在前面加上“x”.
  3. 查找那些你不清楚的信息 SPU majors list.
  4. Narrow the list down to the top 3-5.
  1. From the SPU major list, click on the Degree Requirements of each top major that interests you (e.g. 服装 Merchandising).
  2. In a new tab, open this quarter’s undergraduate time schedule. 点击当前学年,和你感兴趣的部门(如.g. 服装销售在家庭和消费者科学系). Click on the current quarter. 本季度这个专业有哪些你感兴趣的课程,可以去旁听?
  3. 列出你最感兴趣的专业中你想参加的课程, 以及你想见的教授(详见下文). 他们可能是授课的教授,也可能是你从朋友那里听说的教授.

#1. Request to sit in on a class:


亲爱的[博士. Blanchard],

我是SPU的一名大一学生,正在考虑对[室内设计]专业进行重大调整。. 我写信是因为我知道您是一位[室内设计]教授, 看看你这学期教的是[FCS 2204:室内设计工作室]. 我真的很希望能旁听系里的几堂课(以及见几位教授),然后决定这个专业是否适合我.

我知道现在已经是季度末了,如果不方便的话我也能理解, 但是这学期我有可能坐在你的[室内设计工作室]课上吗?


Thank you very much for considering!

[Your name]

#2. Request to meet with a professor

SUBJ: Interest in speaking with you

亲爱的[博士. Blanchard],

我是SPU的一名大一学生,正在考虑对[室内设计]专业进行重大调整。. 我写信是因为我知道您是一位[室内设计]教授. 在决定这个专业是否适合我的时候,我真的很希望能和系里的几位教授见面(以及旁听几堂课).

我知道现在已经是季度末了,如果不方便的话我也能理解, 但你是否愿意亲自或通过Zoom聊20分钟,这样我就能更多地了解你所教的内容和专业?

In the next 2 weeks, I’m available [Fridays all day, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after 3].

Thank you very much for considering!

[Your name]

  1. Before meeting with professors
    Create a list of questions in advance. 什么能帮助你决定这个专业是否适合你?
    Sample questions:
    1. Why do you (professor) enjoy this subject?
    2. 大多数学生是带着什么兴趣和优势来到这个专业的? (share yours)
    3. What type of student will do well in this program?
    4. What types of internships to students pursue?
    5. 这个专业的毕业生会从事什么样的职业呢?
    6. Do you have any advice on…?
    7. What could I do next to learn more?
  2. During your conversation
    1. 问候, thank the professor for their time, 告诉他们一些网易彩票app你自己的情况(长处和不确定因素).
    2. 问一些问题,从你准备好的列表中找到你想知道的信息.
    3. 询问他们是否愿意分享当前学生和/或最近校友的姓名和网易彩票app,以便你可以交谈.
    4. Ask for a business card.
    5. Thank them again for their time.
    6. Send a thank-you note or email.
  3. After the conversation, review what you learned:
    1. What were my thoughts before the interview?
    2. What new information had an impact on me?
    3. 我将如何运用我所学的知识来指导我的专业和职业方向?
    4. What are my next steps for further exploration?

旁听了几堂课,见了几个感兴趣专业的教授,接下来呢? Is more research needed? More conversations with faculty? Trying a class? Meeting with faculty advisor? Academic Counselor? Career Counselor? Doing a job shadow? 不确定? Reach out to the CCC! We’d love to help!

Career Assessment

Pathway U — your path towards joy, meaning, and purpose

现在加入 and get started: 

  • Complete four assessments (Values, Interests, Personality, and Workplace Preferences) in 15 to 25 minutes.
  • 使用“探索职业匹配”功能,看看什么样的教育和职业道路最适合你, 并利用求职板找到符合这些路径的真正工作.
  • 点击“设置预约”来安排与咨询师交谈的时间.
O*NET Career Exploration Tools

O*NET是美国职业信息的主要来源. O*NET数据库包含数百个职业特定描述符, 并不断更新来自各行各业工人的反馈.

O*NET Ability Profiler: 个人可以使用O*NET能力分析器来识别自己的优势, as well as areas for additional training and education, and to identify occupations that fit their abilities.

O*NET Interest Profiler: 一个自我评估的职业探索工具,可以帮助学生发现工作活动和职业,他们喜欢和发现令人兴奋的. 他们可以利用他们的兴趣结果来探索工作的世界. 

O*NET Work Importance Locator / Profiler: 这种自我评估允许用户确定工作中对他们重要的是什么,并根据他们的工作价值观(如成就)之间的相似性确定可能令人满意的职业, 自治, 工作条件)和职业的特点.

The Center for Career and 调用 on the SPU campus
  • 你可以在你的主页上的“职业中心”标签上预约一位在线职业顾问 Handshake account, 在学生会大楼二楼的前台, or by calling 206-281-2485.
  • 此外,每周一到周五下午12点到2点,15分钟的预约时间也可以.m.

What about your calling?

职业辨别是一个过程,澄清一个人的呼召,包括指导, self-reflection, and prayer. 学生们被鼓励花时间去了解他们的天赋和激情,以便找到一个职业方向,将为他人服务,并为他们的生活带来目的和意义. 了解更多网易彩票appCCC如何帮助职业辨别!